Our Mission
In a world where many AI applications are "nice to have", our mission is to create AI solutions that are essential in emergency medicine, revolutionizing the way critical care is delivered and ensuring better outcomes when every second counts
- @ stanford university
- @ uc berkeley
- inception
+50 Hospitals trust CerebraAI
+150K Patients
Proprietary Dataset -
+700 Physicians as an active users
+3 Countries
AI Lab
Doszhan Zhussupov founds Almaty AI Lab in October 2018
In the beginning...
He sells his shares in a MedTech device company (med365.info) that he co-founded and invests into AI team creation by taking over a Maths-research group from the Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan
The team is joined by Alma Zhussupova, MD, PhD, a neurologist who was a founder of the stroke care hospitals in Kazakhstan and Meruyert Saifullakyzy, MD, who is one of the top neurologists in the country

First MVP
First MVP was launched
Alpha testing in hospitals
Pre-Seed funding from Quest Ventures
Expanding offerings
Start of pilot projects in hospitals
Kazakhstan FDA approval for the ASPECTS and ICH modules
Seed 1 round is closed
International Recognition
Market Expansion Strategy Defined: Decision to Relocate HQ to the US
HEATMAP module was launched

First International Pilots
Pilots in Uzbekistan
Seed 2 round is closed
Preparation for Relocation of HQ from Kazakhstan to the US
Enhancing HEATMAP Algorithm
US chapter
Relocation of the HQ to Palo Alto, US
Pilots in Saudi Arabia
Submission to FDA for Breakthrough Device Designation (BDD)